These Are the Different Ways to Take Kratom

These Are the Different Ways to Take Kratom

Are you thinking about taking kratom to improve your health?

Kratom offers a wide range of benefits. People have reported that kratom helps relieve pain and anxiety, boost energy levels, and improve focus. But, how are you supposed to take kratom?

Check out this guide to learn about all of the different ways to take kratom.

  1. Chewing on Leaves 

The quickest way to consume kratom is to chew on the actual leaves.

Kratom is actually a tropical tree that is native to Southeast Asia. In many Southeast Asian countries, people, especially farmers, pluck the leaves right off of the tree to chew on them.

The biggest advantage of chewing on the leaves is that you’ll be able to reap the immediate effects of pain relief. But, unless you live in Southeast Asia, it can be very hard to get your hands on fresh kratom leaves.

  1. Make a Drink 

Many people choose to purchase kratom powder and mix it into a drink. However, due to the bitter taste of kratom, many people find it unpleasant to drink it when it’s mixed with just water.

Luckily, you can mask some of the bitter taste by mixing it with fruit juice, coffee, milk, or any beverage that you prefer. You can also make your kratom into a tea (we suggest adding some lemon to help with the taste), or, you can blend it into a smoothie.

If you really don’t like the taste and want to get the powder down as quickly as possible, you can also toss and chase it. Basically, this involves tossing a dose of kratom powder into your mouth and then washing the powder down with water or another beverage.

If you’re interested in buying kratom powder, you can check out The Kratom Connection.

  1. Capsules 

Capsules are perhaps the most convenient way to consume kratom.

With capsules, the taste of kratom is eliminated completely, and you don’t have to worry about cleaning up a mess in the kitchen. The great thing about capsules is that you can take them with you wherever you go, so they’re a great option for those who travel a lot.

In addition to capsules, some companies also sell kratom in gummy and tablet form.

  1. Food 

That’s right, you can also mix kratom into your favorite dishes.

If you buy kratom in a powder form, you can mix it in with yogurts, soups, creams, and pastries. Again, because some people do not enjoy the bitter taste of kratom, we recommend adding just a little bit at first to see how you react.

With food, it may take a bit longer to reap the benefits of kratom, as the food will need to break down in your body first.

Ways to Take Kratom: Are You Ready to Try Kratom? 

Now that you know about all of the different ways to take kratom, it’s time to give it a try. Pretty soon, you’ll be reaping the benefits of kratom.

Be sure to check back in with our blog for more healthy living tips and tricks.


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