It is a proven fact that drugs and alcohol change the chemical makeup of the brain. Regular consumption of mind-altering substances such as marijuana and cannabis-infused products can create a dependence that is hard to resists. Therefore, when one tries to withdraw the harmful substances, one may face powerful withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms, both physical and emotional, can be fatal without adequate treatment. The intensity of withdrawal symptoms will differ based on the substance and the level of dependency. Continue reading this article to find valuable tips on handling your withdrawal symptoms better.

Attend A Medical Detoxification Program: One may think that he can stop consuming alcohol or drugs anytime he wants. But reality cannot be further from it, as going cold turkey is hardly the solution. The withdrawal symptoms one experiences force him to go back to the old way of treating the body. Therefore, without proper medical help, it is difficult to fight addiction.

  • The symptoms are very much physical and take a toll on the health. Side effects of drug withdrawal may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, muscle aches, back and joint pain, and appetite dysfunction.
  • Depression, anxiety, agitation, paranoia, delirium, hallucinations, seizures are the most common withdrawal symptoms one may experience. On a more serious level, one may encounter irregular heart rate, high or low blood pressure, respiratory distress, and more.

Exercise Regularly: It is essential to exercise regularly to help the brain release endorphins, which positively restore your body’s chemical balance. Regular exercise also helps reduce work-related stress and tension and boost self-confidence. In addition, according to the journal Frontiers in Psychology, a balanced exercising routine minimizes relapse and controls cravings. Be sure to add jogging, running, yoga to your daily routine and, if possible, engage in aerobic activity, which is a great way to improve physical health during a withdrawal period.

Balanced and Nutritious Diet: A lot depends on what you eat and how much you eat. Ideally, it would help if you ate meals rich in proteins, vitamins, and nutrients. Your body requires nutrients to fix the damage done by the consumption of alcohol and marijuana. Therefore, eating nutritious meals should be a priority if one wants to boost immunity. In addition, staying away from caffeine, refined sugars, and saturated fats can help speed up the recovery process.

  • It is crucial to drink enough water to keep the body adequately hydrated, as dehydration is common during withdrawal.
  • Many depend on herbal products to help them fight substance addiction better. For example, one may purchase marijuana detox pill kits online and follow the instruction given in the box to fight the addiction.

Join a Support Group: A sensible way to stay to fight addiction is to join a peer support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous and more. People who are going through the same thing may have better insight into controlling cravings and fighting addiction. For example, you may find a sponsor in your 12-Step programs support group. A sponsor’s support during withdrawal will minimize relapse. Therefore, consider surrounding yourself with those who are committed to sobriety and have similar goals.


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