Infected Nose Piercing: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

If everyone could just glance at their infected nose piercing and recognize whether it is infected or not, it would be much more convenient. Yet, unfortunately, that’s not always the case. In some cases, it may be difficult to determine whether a nose piercing is irritated or if an infection has set in.
Infected Nose Piercing
Redness, swelling, and soreness are normal after getting a nose piercing; however, more severe symptoms of infection can include intense pain or throbbing, burning sensations around the piercing, green or yellow discharge, or a foul odor.
You should always consult a doctor if you develop any of these symptoms around your nose piercing, or if you are otherwise concerned.
The following are some of the symptoms of an infected nose piercing:
You can expect redness on your nose after it has been pierced. It is a common side effect of having a hole put in your nose. In case there is an infection, you’ll want to make sure your aftercare commitment is strong if the redness doesn’t disappear or if you spot red streaks extending beyond the piercing site.
There could be an infection if you see a strange bump or excessive swelling around your nose piercing.
Infections tend to hurt, sometimes a lot. Something’s wrong if your pain level seems to be increasing instead of decreasing. If you’ve recently lost your nose jewelry, try to remember. You may be suffering from heightened pain because of that. Keep an eye out for any other signs that an infection may be developing if nothing else comes to mind.
During the first week or so, you may have some discharge from your nose piercing. There is no need to be alarmed if that occurs. When the discharge changes from clear to yellow or another color, infection is most likely if it appears to be growing in volume and frequency. Discharges that smell funky are another sign of infection.
The presence of a bump on or around the nose piercing is a sign of infection. The bump is even more likely to be an infection if it is oozy, red, hot to the touch, and painful.
It would be best if you took any bumps you find seriously. You don’t want these to appear as though they are an infection, even if they are not. Ask your piercer if you have any doubts about what it is.
You need to skip putting it on the piercing site if you wear makeup, like foundation or concealer. It may be tempting to load up the foundation in that area so you can hide what is going on and still appear normal to others. Nevertheless, if you apply makeup on the piercing site, you’re adding fuel to the fire.
Additionally, be sure to avoid any face creams or lotions on that website.
Cleaning the infected area is the next step. Use plenty of soap and water to thoroughly wash your hands. More than just rubbing and rinsing is required. Take your time and make sure you’re scrubbing those hands up well.
If you need to dry them, use a clean paper towel since cloth towels can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria.
To remove any crust from the piercing site, gently moisten a Q-tip with warm water and apply it to the area. Take a cotton ball dipped in a saline solution once the crust has been kicked to the curb. It is simple to make the solution – simply mix a little hot water with about 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt.
Allow your cotton ball to fully dissolve the sea salt before you dip it in hot water, and allow the water to cool a little, so you don’t burn yourself.
Once your cotton ball has been wet, squeeze it out a little to remove the excess water. Firmly press it against your piercing. Allow the cotton ball to cool off before removing it. Then you’ll throw that cotton ball away and do the same thing with another one.
Repeat this process until a wet cotton ball has been against your nose for at least five minutes. The saltwater is suitable for your infection, and the warmth of the water will help drain out any pus or discharge that is building up.

Main Causes
Below are some of the factors that can influence who ends up with the infection:
Using a Piercing Gun
One great way to cut back on your infection risk is to ensure your piercer doesn’t use a piercing gun. Use a hollow needle instead since it is gentler on the tissue and does not cause as much damage.
Guns may seem more straightforward and desirable than waiting for someone to poke a needle into your skin. After all, with a gun, it’s as easy as pumping. Using a gun increases your risk of infection, so you should stick with a single-use needle.
People touch their faces throughout the day. There’s no way to avoid hitting your nose, and it’s one of the most sensitive areas on your face. No matter how itchy, runny, or stuffy your nose is, most people are constantly touching it.
Even though it may seem like a harmless thing to do, it can be highly problematic. Infections can occur just by touching a recently pierced area.
Imagine how dirty our hands are during the day. Our hands frequently touch doors, desks, and keyboards. People who touched them before us left behind a lot of bacteria on those surfaces.
Wearing the Wrong Type of Metal
Jewelry made out of metals that you are allergic or sensitive to can inhibit the healing process following a piercing. When the healing process is slowed, bacteria have more time to establish themselves.
Nickel is often not tolerated well in jewelry because it can cause allergic reactions or allergies. Avoid that metal if you’d like to heal as quickly as possible.
It has been reported that titanium jewelry of surgical grade has been successful for many people. You can also try gold jewelry, although less than 24K gold will usually contain some nickel.