These Are the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Do you have a loved one who is currently living in a nursing home? If so, it’s going to be very important for you to keep a close eye out for the signs of nursing home abuse and neglect.
Recent studies have shown that abuse in nursing homes is, unfortunately, on the rise. One suggested that almost 25% of those living in nursing homes face physical nursing home abuse at least once each year.
If you don’t know the signs of nursing home abuse, your loved one could be dealing with it without you even knowing it. It’s why it’s so important for nursing home abuse and neglect to be on your radar.
Here are several of the surefire signs of nursing home abuse.

There is a chance that your loved one could be injured while in a nursing home. There are lots of slips and falls that occur in nursing homes, with many of them resulting in everything from minor bumps and bruises to more serious issues like broken arms and legs.
If your loved one ever sustains an injury in a nursing home, you should be notified about it right away. You should also be told what led to the injury, and if possible, your loved one should be able to confirm the story that the nursing home told you.
You should be very concerned if these things don’t take place. Any unexplained injuries that happen to your loved one could be signs of nursing home abuse.
Bed Sores
Bed sores are a relatively common problem for many people in nursing homes. When people spend almost all day sitting or lying down in bed, bed sores might start to develop.
A good nursing home will do whatever it takes to stop people from developing painful bed sores. They’ll get your loved one up out of bed for a reasonable amount of time each day to stop bed sores from taking a toll on them.
If you notice that your loved one seems to get bed sores more often than they should, you might want to inquire as to what a nursing home is doing to stop this from happening. It could indicate nursing home abuse and neglect.
Emotional Instability
Does it feel like your loved one is always agitated when you visit them? Do they struggle to communicate with you and get upset when you ask them a lot of questions?
This often comes with the territory when it comes to cases involving Alzheimer’s patients. But you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to your loved one’s emotional instability.
They could be more emotional than usual because of nursing home abuse and neglect. It would be worth investigating what has them on edge all the time.
Look Out for These Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Ideally, you want your loved one to enjoy a good life when they’re in a nursing home. You want them to receive the care that they deserve so that they’re comfortable at all times.
But not all nursing homes take the same approach to caring for people. Some have employees who will abuse or neglect people during their times of need.
For this reason, you need to be mindful of looking out for the signs of nursing home abuse and neglect. It’s the only way to ensure that your loved one doesn’t fall victim to abuse in nursing homes.
Check out our blog for more articles on caring for a loved one who is elderly.