Has it ever happened to you that you coughed or sneezed too hard, and you felt you leaked a little? If yes, don’t be embarrassed. The problem is more common than you think, especially with women. About 1 out of 3 women suffer from stress incontinence in America. It is mostly young women who suffer from the problem. But, many avoid discussing the topic for being ashamed of the problem. It is a health crisis that can cause social damage, forcing one to isolate oneself. The word stress refers to the physical discomfort one feels and is not related to the psychological aspect of the disease. Continue reading this article to find out how you can have more control over your bladder, urinary functions and get rid of the problem altogether.
The Cause Of Urinary Incontinence: There are various reasons why one may experience stress incontinence, among which the most prominent is the weakening of urinary muscles. When the pelvic floor muscles or urethral sphincter weaken, one loses control over one’s bladder, causing the involuntary leak. Therefore, coughing, sneezing, laughing, bending over, lifting heavy objects, exercising can cause one to leak urine. Some may even experience the problem while having sex.
- Many women experience this problem after childbirth. Multiple vaginal deliveries can weaken the muscle, and one practically loses control over urinary muscles. The problem can occur immediately after delivery or years later.
- Hysterectomy, the surgical removal of the uterus and cervix, is often the primary cause behind stress incontinence.
- Personal injury to the lower back may also lead to such problems later in life. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, obesity and old age are also primary contributors to stress incontinence.
Solution: The first step to solving anything is to recognize that you have a problem. If you experience stress incontinence, you must accept that “I pee when I sneeze” because admitting is the first step towards a cure. The goal should be to end the unnecessary stigma of the disease. People don’t always have control over how the body reacts.
- Changing one’s lifestyle can improve the situation a great deal. To have more of a controlled nerve, quitting cigarettes, and limiting alcohol consumption are the few things you can do.
- Losing weight helps gain more control of one’s body. Studies show people suffering from obesity often experience stress incontinence.
- Regular kegel exercises help strengthen pelvic floor muscles.
- If the exercises fail to work, one can always opt for a surgical process to end the problem.
In the end, one cannot deny the impact this problem has on women. One feels socially isolated and helpless for going through something traumatic like this. If you suffer from urinary incontinence, be sure to talk about it with your close friends. If the situation becomes overwhelming, you can always consult a psychologist to better deal with the inner struggle. There is no shame in seeking help from a psychologist.