Top 5 Joint Surgery Recovery Tips

Top 5 Joint Surgery Recovery Tips

Having joint replacement surgery is a major process. Although the surgeons are well experienced and there is technology that makes these types of surgeries even easier, there is not a lot of technology that makes the recovery process easier. While it is true that time is the best healer, there are things that joint surgery patients can do to speed up their recovery time and make sure that everything heals the way that it should. In this article we will discuss the top five tips for improving recovery. Total knee, hip, and rotator cuff replacements are the most common among these types of surgeries. We will discuss remedies specifically for those types of joints. Regardless of which joint was injured, physical therapy is a great way to get the desired results on a faster time table. Check out Idaho Falls physical therapy for information on surgery recovery by the doctor’s themselves.

Better Health

Getting your health in check before you ever go in for surgery is one of the first things you should consider. Being in better health will not only help with the surgical process and decrease your chances of complications, but it will make the recovery process easier as well. For instance, if you are going to have a hip or knee replacement, losing weight will help lighten the load put on the joints.

Safe Home Environment

It is crucial that you or a family member prepare the home environment before you return. Joint surgery patients are a huge fall risk, and a fall could undo everything that was just done, and possibly add another injury on top of everything else. Things like rugs and cords should be secured and out of the way. Night lights should be installed, and you could also consider adding grab bars or a shower seat in the bathroom.

Home Exercise Routine

As we mentioned above, physical therapy is a great way to aid in recovery and will likely be prescribed by your surgeon. Physical therapists will assign home exercises once you are well enough. Make sure that you are consistent and diligent in performing them accurately. This will speed up the recovery process and make sure that everything is healing the way that it should. On this note, however, it is important to note that doing too much can have the opposite effect on recovery.

Take Medication as Prescribed

Taking too much or too little medication can cause serious bumps in the road to recovery. Too much medication can numb your senses so much that you end up overdoing it and injuring yourself. Too little medication makes it difficult to progress because pain is so prevalent. Talk with your surgeon or pharmacist about proper medication management. It would also be wise to ask what they suggest about pain medications before or after a physical therapy appointment.

Proper Use of Medical Equipment

After surgery you will most likely be sent home with new medical equipment specifically for your ailment. If you had rotator cuff surgery you will probably get a sling. If you had a knee replacement you will probably get a knee brace. If you had a hip replacement you will probably have a walker. Be sure to do your research or ask the proper questions before leaving the hospital or surgical facility. Make sure you know how and when to use the equipment properly.

We are not medical professionals, so please consult your doctor before trying any of these tips. We hope this helps you on your road to recovery.


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