Top Ayurveda tips to avoid hyperacidity

Acidity or hyperacidity is a very common problem, which can give us some real discomfort. As per Ayurveda, individuals who have pitta imbalance may suffer from stomach problems like peptic ulcers, hyperacidity, etc.
Pitta imbalance can occur due to anger, stress, impatience, having strong foods, etc. So, it is always better to opt for ayurvedic medicine for acidity to get relief from the discomforts of hyperacidity.
What is acidity?
When you eat something, the food goes into your stomach, where the gastric glands produce acid, which helps in the digestion of the food. However, when the gastric glands produce more acid than required, you can feel discomfort and a burning sensation below your breastbone, which is known as acidity or acid reflux.
The most common symptom of this health problem is a pain or burning sensation in the chest area. To get instant relief from this pain or discomfort, you can have the best ayurvedic medicine for gastric problems or an Alsactil tablet.
However, along with those relieving medicines, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle because poor lifestyles are also a very important reason behind the occurrences of hyperacidity.
Here are some ayurvedic tips to avoid and treat the problems of hyperacidity.
Do not eat too fast
When you eat your meals too fast, the digestion system cannot be able to work properly, thus leading to the problems of indigestion and hyperacidity. So, it is better to avoid eating very fats to avoid the chances of having acidity.
Avoid the foods that may increase acid secretion
As per Ayurveda, pitta is the heat energy that is present in every cell. However, the main location of pitta is our stomach. So, excess intake of those foods, which are heat-producing, can easily overreact with your digestive system and eventually increase the secretion of digestive acids.
So, it is better to avoid pitta-aggravating foods like tomato, vinegar, orange, yogurt, salsa, garlic, onions, salty and fried foods, alcohol, etc. You should avoid these foods until the levels of your digestive acids become normal.
Eat foods that help in alleviating pitta
Eating bitter, sweet, and astringent foods can help you to avoid hyperacidity because those can alleviate pitta. So, you can have bitter guard, milk, pomegranate to avoid the problems of hyperacidity.
Pomegranate juice can balance the acid levels of your stomach because it is both bitter and astringent. Thus, it can balance pitta. Aloe vera gel is another option that can balance pitta and reduce the risks of acidity.
However, remember to avoid the store-bought aloe vera gel and go for the fresh ones that have no preservatives.
Avoid stress to avoid hyperacidity
Stress can be a good reason for having hyperacidity. So, you should try to practice several techniques to manage stress if you wish to avoid hyperacidity. You should also opt for cooling drinks and foods like coconut juice to have a cooling effect.
If you feel any kind of discomfort, you can also try some cool milk on your empty stomach to get relief.
Don’t skip any meals
It is very important not to skip your breakfast or meals if you wish to avoid hyperacidity. If you do not feel like eating something heavy for your breakfast, you can have some dates or warm milk to fill the gap.
Therefore, all these ayurvedic tips can help you to avoid hyperacidity along with the ayurvedic medicine for acidity.