What To Expect When You’re Expecting…a Tooth Extraction

As your eyes glazed the title of this post, we expect that you weren’t expecting…that twist ending. In terms of life-changing procedures, a tooth extraction is no baby extraction. (You can have baby teeth extracted, but that is not the same thing.) Nevertheless, a tooth extraction is a big deal (if smaller than the deal you were expecting from the title), and we don’t blame you for wanting to prepare for the tooth-shaped hole that will soon occupy your gum. It will be larger than whatever hole your tooth had that called for tooth extraction in the first place.
(Please note there are other reasons to justify tooth extraction—such as decay, infection, pain, damage, or even misalignment. This lattermost reason is often part and parcel of acquiring braces.)
Whatever the reason your dentist has deemed tooth extraction necessary, you may be wondering what is involved in the procedure itself, and what you can expect beforehand, throughout, and afterwards. Here is the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth about tooth extraction. Sink your teeth into these pointers (while you still can).
The process
Not unlike baby extraction, tooth extraction can occur one of two ways. Simple extraction is for teeth that are visible or impacted. Surgical extraction will involve gum incision for the sake of removing jaw bone, or for cutting your tooth prior to extraction. Both processes will involve local anaesthesia, but surgical extraction will double down and also necessitate intravenous anaesthesia. To remove an external tooth is no big deal. To extract bone matter below the gum—or to cut a tooth—is more invasive. To be honest, we’d want double anaesthesia, too.
Regardless of the procedure you undergo, the end result will be the same: complete removal of your tooth from your mouth. When you awaken, it will be gone without a trace.
The aftermath
Once you awaken to your ruthless, toothless existence, you may be down in the mouth, but you should be good to go home. Your dentist or oral surgeon may prescribe you antibiotics—and, if they do, you should take these accordingly—but one thing you will need to manage, without question, is your recovery. Most people will need a few days. At the very least, you’ll need to undertake some aftercare for the next two days, minimum.
Why aftercare? You’re down in the mouth with tender gums. They’re going to be vulnerable to high pressures and any sort of touch or movement. You’re also recovering from an operation. Give yourself some time to let your gums (and yourself) get back on their feet. Here are some forms of aftercare to which you can treat your gums—and yourself:
- Get heaps of rest.
- Avoid rinsing your mouth at all costs, as this puts pressure on your tender gums.
- Don’t use straws, for the reason stipulated above.
- Don’t smoke. Use a nicotine patch if you have to, but smoking itself compromises the teeth. It will certainly compromise the delicate dental work from your tooth extraction. Some dentists or oral surgeons will only operate on the proviso that no smoking will happen post-operation—or, at least, during the period of recovery and/or aftercare.
- Don’t have hot food or drinks. As far as your fragile gums are concerned, heat pressure counts as pressure. (That being said, soup is among one of the recommended foods to consume post-surgery. Now might be the time to embrace gazpacho soup, which is served cold. Otherwise, exercise some common sense and avoid piping hot soups, or perhaps wait for soup to cool before transporting it into the problem zone.)
The conclusion
This has been your brief overview of what to expect when you’re expecting a tooth extraction. There isn’t much to say because it is a straightforward procedure—be the process simple or surgical. The bottom line is you’ll be on the receiving end of some anaesthetising and that you will need to take time to recover from that. You’ll also be without a tooth or two, and you’ll need to treat your gums with care for at least the next two days that follow.
For those who were wondering: this is gazpacho soup. And you’ll do well to fill your aftercare period with plenty of it.
If you’re searching for someone to extract your tooth, hit up Primary Dental. They have a range of services, whether you’re in need of atoothextraction or a simple clean and check-up. Who said a toothache had to be a headache? Contact Primary Dental today.