How to Test for GERD: 5 Signs You Have GERD

How to Test for GERD: 5 Signs You Have GERD

If you’ve been feeling intestinal discomfort without a known cause and frequent acid reflux, you may have come across GERD in your research when trying to identify your problem.

GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition in which stomach acid frequently flows into and irritates the lining of the body’s food pipe. It’s a chronic condition and it can be very uncomfortable.

But how do you know if you have GERD? Do you know how to test for GERD, or look for it when you’re looking for warning signs?

If you’ve been stressed over this condition and wondering if it explains your pain, you’re in the right place. Keep reading to learn some key signs that you might be dealing with GERD and you may need acid reflux treatment.

  1. Regurgitation

If you’ve been experiencing frequent regurgitation of foods and sour drinks, you may be dealing with a symptom of GERD.

Regurgitation isn’t necessarily the same as vomiting. Vomiting comes from the upper part of the intestine. Regurgitation happens with foods or liquids that haven’t made it that far and instead it comes from the esophagus.

  1. Chest Pain

Any symptoms that resemble chest pain should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. They may be GERD, but they may also be a more serious condition.

If your chest pain is GERD-related, it will likely feel like a burning sensation. It may be worse if you lay down and it will happen sometime after eating.

  1. A Lump In Your Throat

That feeling of throat tightness that you associate with eating too quickly may be a sign of GERD if it happens often.

This can be a symptom of acid reflux. The esophagus is reacting to the food, causing your throat to feel tight or as though there’s something there.

  1. Disrupted Sleep

If you wake up frequently throughout the night alongside the other symptoms listed, you may be dealing with GERD.

The discomfort from the acid reflux may be waking you up, even if you don’t realize it once you’re fully awake. You may wake up with a sour taste in your mouth.

  1. Laryngitis 

If you wake up with laryngitis you may be dealing with GERD. The stomach acid rising from your esophagus can irritate your throat enough to temporarily inhibit your ability to speak.

On its own, this isn’t a concern. Combined with the other symptoms, though, you may be dealing with GERD.

How to Manage GERD

GERD and standard acid reflux can be managed. It’s often treated at home. You can purchase acid reflux medication to treat your daytime symptoms and ease some of your discomfort. You may even try changing up your diet to soften your symptoms.

For your nighttime symptoms, you can try changing your sleep position or look into the best acid reflux pillow for your sleep style.

It doesn’t hurt to see a doctor if you’re worried about your acid reflux.

How to Test for GERD: Takeaways

When it comes to how to test for GERD, you’re mainly just looking for chronic acid reflux symptoms.

Many people experience acid reflux from time to time. When it happens twice or more per week, you may be dealing with GERD. See a doctor for lifestyle changes and treatment options.

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