7 Signs Of Drug Use And How You Can Help That Person

7 Signs Of Drug Use And How You Can Help That Person

We all know that drug use is a serious topic that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Yet, it can be even more difficult to deal with a loved one who might be abusing drugs.

There are different signs and symptoms that can give you a clue if the person in your life is using drugs.

It is never easy to discuss drug abuse with the people in your life but it is a difficult conversation you must have. When you know what to look for you will have an easier time dealing with the situation.

Keep reading for our guide on seven signs of drug use and how you can help that person.

  1. Upset for Little to No Reason

A sign that you should look out for if you feel like someone in your life is using drugs is that they will get upset for little to no reason. This could have nothing to do with you or the situation at hand but rather what is going on inside their brains from illicit drug use.

Many people will also start to withdrawal from situations that they’re in. You will notice that it won’t feel like they’re involved at all. They might physically be somewhere with you but their minds are miles away.

  1. Neglecting Responsibilities

One of the major signs of drug use is neglecting normal responsibilities. For adults, these signs could be missing work or not finishing tasks on time. It could also mean that they spend less time with their children or aren’t taking care of them properly.

You might notice a huge difference from what they once used to do.

Another huge issue is teen drug abuse and shouldn’t only focus on alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine. Teens can actually get their hands on inhalants because they’re easy to purchase.

When teens are abusing drugs you may notice that they’re missing classes, forgetting to do assignments, or even failing classes. You might even see that they’ve stopped caring about their school work or after school activities.

Sometimes this can be a drastic change in teenagers that once enjoyed going to school and getting good grades.

  1. Relationship Problems

Whether it is with you or you notice it with someone else in their life, drug abuse can cause relationship problems. It is difficult to deal with someone who always has their mind on when they will get their next fix. This is why you may see stress within a relationship with someone who has a drug problem.

A way to notice if there are problems in a relationship is if you’re fighting more often than usual. You should also ask yourself what the fights are about. If they’re about little or insignificant things, then this could be a huge sign.

Other relationship problems could be problems with friends, family, or even in the person’s workplace.

  1. Depression

Other symptoms of drug use that you should look out for is depression. Sometimes drug abuse and mental health problems can go hand in hand so watch out for this in your loved ones.

Whether they already had depression before they started abusing drugs or they developed it afterward, drug use can make depression much worse. Make sure to look out for signs of depression in your loved ones especially if you feel like they’re abusing drugs.

The signs of depression losing interest, fatigue, loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, or sadness. Symptoms are different for everybody so the best thing to do is talk about it.

When looking to help someone who is suffering from depression and drug abuse you’re going to want to find somewhere that covers both diagnoses. This will help much better on their steps to recovery.

  1. Quitting Hobbies

Something else that you should look out for is if your loved one is quitting old hobbies that they used to enjoy. Whether it is sports they liked to do, activities, things they liked to collect, or even socializing.

Not following through with old activities that they used to get pleasure from is a huge sign of drug use. This is something that should be brought to their attention. Be sure to ask them why they’ve stopped doing something that they once loved to do!

  1. Make a List

Now that you know some of the signs of drug abuse you can start to figure out the best ways to help your loved ones. Start by making a list of all of the things you notice that are different in your loved one since you suspect they have started using drugs.

This way you will be able to point out how they’ve changed and aren’t the same person that you once knew.

Sometimes the things on your list can be light-hearted but if you notice some serious issues with the person in your life, then you should note those down as well.

  1. Talk With Them

The best place to start getting your loved one help is by being open and starting the conversation. Let them know that you suspect something is wrong. They might even start off denying that they even have a problem.

Getting the help that they need is going to be different depending on the person. They might be wary of getting help thinking that it will cost too much or take too much time. It is important to persist as getting them help is important.

Once they agree to get help there are many options for them whether they would like to live at a treatment clinic or go for regular visits.

How to Help Someone With Drug Use

Helping someone who you think is abusing drugs can be very difficult. Chances are it will be stressful on your end and especially on theirs.

Drug use isn’t an easy thing to overcome but as long as they have someone willing to step up and help them, then they will have a better chance.

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