A Beginner’s Guide to CBD and Fitness: Everything to Know

Whether you are a fitness novice or a fitness pro, there are always new wellness elements that can elevate your fitness goals.
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has taken the world by storm in recent years due to its health benefits and enhancements. Though the studies on CBD are still new, the research is promising.
So how does the combination of CBD and fitness work? That’s what we are here to answer. Want to know what CBD is, the benefits, and how it can enhance your routine? Then keep on reading.
Here is our beginner’s guide to CBD and fitness, with everything you need to know.
What Is CBD?
For starters, CBD comes from the cannabis plant. Though it comes from cannabis, it does not present users with a high, like marijuana. Instead, CBD can relax users and make them feel calmer.
This high is due to marijuana having a large amount of THC, which can cause the psychoactive effects that users experience. CBD oil, primarily, is an extraction of the cannabis plant.
Also, if you are a professional athlete, CBD is not considered a performance-enhancing drug.
Though some types of CBD may have traces of THC in it (0.3%), such as full-spectrum, there is also broad-spectrum, and CBD isolates that can still provide excellent benefits.
Now that we know the basics of CBD, le’s get into the different types of CBD and how to know which one will work best for your fitness routine.
Full-Spectrum CBD
Full-spectrum CBD, as the name suggests, encompasses the whole cannabis plant. This includes the compounds of THC, CBD, CBN, THCV, and CBG.
These compounds come together and form the entourage effect, which is a theory that utilizing all the elements of the cannabis plant leads to better and more effective results.
This theory has no full proof, as everyone is different in how their body reacts to CBD. Full-spectrum CBD may be optimal for users who are looking for more intense relief or deal with chronic pain. Since full-spectrum CBD does contain THC, though it is a minuscule 0.3%, it can still show up on some drug tests, so keep that in mind.
Broad Spectrum CBD
Broad-spectrum CBD, unlike full-spectrum, contains all elements of the cannabis plant except THC. Broad-spectrum is excellent for users who may want to experience the theorized entourage effect, but do not want THC in their system.
Broad-spectrum offers a balance between users who want more benefits of CBD, but may have a sensitivity to THC or are worried about drug tests. Broad-spectrum is the middle ground between full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate.
CBD Isolate
CBD Isolate is pure CBD and placed in a lab where the rest of the cannabis plant is extracted, leaving just the pure CBD behind.
Another plus is that CBD isolate is the most concentrated form of CBD, which means that you can have the benefits of CBD without the peripheral effects of other cannabis compounds.
Moreover, CBD isolate is tasteless and odorless, so you won’t have to deal with any odd flavoring or smell, unless of course, the manufacturer you buy from may add some taste of their own.
CBD Benefits
Now that you know the differences between the different types of CBD, you can know to decide which one may be best to add in to help you accomplish your fitness goals.
Let’s get into the benefits of CBD.
Reduced Inflammation
CBD is an anti-inflammatory and can assist you if you are dealing with chronic pain and inflammation after a workout.
CBD can help soothe muscles, and aid in giving the user relief. Whether the pain comes from an injury or a pulled muscle, CBD may help.
Though the research is new, studies suggest that CBD interacts with receptors in our body, counteracting any hyperactivity, which can lead to pain and inflammation.
CBD Can Aid in Anxiety
If you are feeling stressed, that can reflect in your workout and fitness goals. One of the most significant use cases for CBD comes down to anxiety, whether it is from athletic competitions to a lousy workday, CBD may help ease your mind and help you focus on your fitness goals.
CBD has been on the rise as a potential anxiety treatment, due to its mostly positive results during testing and studies. Users claim it decreased nervousness, discomfort, and helped them think clearly.
Sleep Better With CBD
If your body is fatigued, that can reflect in your workouts.
Everybody loves a good night’s sleep, but sometimes we spend more nights tossing and turning instead of getting proper shut-eye. If you are dealing with sleeping issues, CBD may help.
Though the research is new, there is a further suggestion that CBD may aid in insomia and help users sleep better. This is due to CBD’s suggested benefits as a pain and anxiety treatment since those two factors are extremely prevalent in those suffering from sleepless nights.
How You Can Consume CBD
Now that you’ve read the benefits, you may be wanting to give CBD a go.
But what is the best method of CBD consumption? That is truly a personal preference. Some athletes turn to topical treatments, such as CBD lotions, to help provide relief to specific areas that are injured or sore.
Additionally, some individuals prefer dropping CBD oil on their tongues or eating some edible CBD. If you want to ingest CBD, you can even drink it, read more about that there.
CBD and Fitness
Now that you know everything about CBD, you can move forward in your fitness regime with a game plan to implement CBD in your daily routine.
CBD and fitness work well together, and the benefits of CBD, such as pain relief and anxiety relief, can be a great help if you are struggling with your fitness goals.
Do you want to learn more about CBD and fitness? Then check out our website for more information.