4 Amazing Home Remedies for Allergies

4 Amazing Home Remedies for Allergies

How common are allergies? More common than you think. In the U.S. alone, it affects more than 50 million people.

Some of the most common triggers include pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and mold. Certain foods can also cause reactions in some individuals.

The good news is that it is possible to keep them at bay. For one thing, there are medications that you can take that’ll help control the symptoms.

On top of that, there are home remedies that you can try. Want to know what they are? If so, be sure to read the rest of the post!

Symptoms of Allergies 

Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms depending on the substance involved. For example, hay fever can cause sneezing, runny nose, and itching of the eyes.

Food allergies, on the other hand, can lead to swelling of the lips, tingling in the mouth, and hives. Rarely, it can also lead to anaphylaxis, which is a potentially life-threatening condition.

4 Home Remedies For Allergies That You Should Try 

For the purposes of this post, we’ll be focusing on seasonal allergies. Here are a few things that can help!

  1. Saline Nasal Rinses 

Rinsing your nasal passages with saline can help with your symptoms; it’ll help thin mucus by washing out the allergens that you’ve inhaled.

If anything, the most important thing is to use the right type of water. That is, you only want to use sterile or distilled water. Don’t use tap water—it’s not adequately treated or filtered.

  1. Butterbur Extract

Butterbur is a herbal supplement that’s used for conditions such as upset stomach and headaches. On top of that, it can also be used for hay fever.

It contains two chemicals called isopetasin and petasin, both of which are able to reduce inflammation. Given that, it’s not surprising to know that it can help with allergy symptoms.

Looking for other allergy remedies? You can shop products at Kiwidrug.

  1. Use an Air Purifier 

Air purifiers are exactly what they sound like—they’re capable of purifying the air. They do this by filtering out contaminants such as dust, animal dander, and pollen.

For the best results, use something with a HEPA filter. They’re able to trap pollutants by forcing air through a fine mesh.

  1. Inhale Some Steam 

Steam inhalation can help soothe your nasal passage. For example, it can help you breathe easier if you have a stuffy nose.

Basically, all you have to do is hold your head over a bowl of warm water. To trap the steam, place a towel over your head. Alternatively, you can just take a hot shower.

Treating Allergies At Home 

And there we have it—four home remedies for seasonal allergies. As you can see, there are a few options; you don’t always have to rely on medications!

If you’re looking for more health posts, check out the rest of our site!


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