5 Early Signs of Hearing Loss You Need to Know About

It’s natural to miss something in a conversation and have to ask someone to repeat themselves or be unable to hear someone over loud music.
However, if it’s been happening to you more and more, you might be starting to question if what you’re experiencing is the signs of hearing loss rather than normal day-to-day life irritations.
It can be difficult to distinguish between the two. So what exactly are the signs of hearing loss, in comparison to things that happen to everyone on a frequent basis?
There are some differences and it’s important to know if you’re actually experiencing hearing loss so you can help yourself.
- Common, Soft Sounds Are No Longer Heard
Think about the common noises you’re used to in your home — the AC vent blowing, or a clock ticking in the corner. Can you still hear them just as well?
If common, soft sounds that you’re used to have disappeared, it could be because your hearing has decreased in quality.
This can be a difficult one to keep track of, since you may not notice these sounds growing quieter, but consider what you’ve been used to in the past.
- Noise Separation Has Become Difficult
Sometimes it’s crowded places or loud music that will bring attention to your hearing loss.
Perhaps conversations are fine when they’re one-on-one in a quiet place, but you struggle if there are other noises around.
Although it might seem normal that the other person is drowned out, if it’s only you that’s having problems, it could be one of the signs you need a hearing aid.
- Your Ears Are Ringing All the Time
About 10% of Americans have experienced tinnitus for more than 5 minutes, making it a fairly common condition — but if it’s prolonged for you, it may be due to hearing loss.
Tinnitus is commonly associated with hearing loss, especially noise-related, and there may be more to this than just the ringing you’re currently hearing.
You could be losing some of your hearing.
- You Have to Ask People to Repeat Themselves a Lot
One of the most common hearing loss symptoms is simply having to ask people to repeat themselves a lot. If everyone participating in a conversation seems to be able to communicate well but you’re constantly missing parts, it might mean it’s time to find quality hearing aids.
You can also ask others for their opinion. They might be able to answer the question, “Do I need a hearing aid?” if you communicate on a frequent basis because they’ll know if they’ve been asked to repeat themselves a lot.
- You’re Exhausted From Straining to Hear
It might be as simple as you being exhausted from constantly straining to hear.
If everything seems soft and muted, and all of your conversations seem too quiet, chances are it’s because your hearing has decreased.
If that’s the case, it’s time to improve it.
If You’re Experiencing the Signs of Hearing Loss, You Don’t Have to Keep Suffering
Although the signs of hearing loss can be incredibly frustrating, there are awesome hearing aids out there that can make a huge difference to your quality of life.
If it’s tiring having to strain to hear people all the time or you’re embarrassed by having to ask them to repeat themselves, you can change that!
For more health tips, check out the rest of our blog!