Fat freezing: Why it is the best option for fat reduction

Fat freezing, a fat reduction procedure, is a non-surgical way of eliminating fat deposits in certain body areas. Localised fatty tissue or bulges that don’t go away with diet and exercise are the target of this procedure. Those who are morbidly fat or severely overweight should not use it. Clinimed aesthetics fat freezing machine is used for removing fat from your body.
Fat freezing works best on what parts of the body?
There is FDA approval for fat freezing to cure fat deposits under the chin (underside of the chin), upper arms, internal thighs, belly, hip/flank (“love handles”), upper and lower back (brassiere rolls), and under buttocks.
What is the procedure like?
An outpatient clinic or a doctor’s office are good locations for this operation. A pencil for skin marking is used to indicate the region of the fatty deposition to be removed. The procedure is done when the patient is conscious.
Fat cells (adipocytes) are frozen using an applicator, a small, handheld device. Protective gel pads are first put in the region. A vacuum removes the excess fat and places it in the applicator’s wide hole. When suction is applied, you will experience a tugging or pressing feeling. As the portion becomes numb in the cooling down process, the cold and other sensations such as stinging, tingling, aching, and cramping subside. The fat layer is lowered to achieve a temperature range of 30.2 to 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit by clinimed aesthetics fat freezing machine.
It takes up to an hour to complete a single treatment. The applicator is withdrawn after the treatment is complete. The fat cells could be broken by massaging the area for 2 – 3 mins.
Fat cells are eliminated in one of two ways.
It is predicated on discovering that fat cells are much more vulnerable to cold than other cells, including skin cells. Fat cells are damaged by the cold. Fat cells die due to the inflammatory reaction triggered by the injury. “Macrophages,” a kind of white blood cell and a component of the body’s immune system, are summoned to the damage site to remove the dead fat cells and other debris.
fat freezing has a slew of advantages:
- You will not need a surgical incision.
- It’s a safe practice. There is no danger of getting infected.
- Outpatient surgery is an option for this technique.
- No anaesthetic or sedation is necessary before the surgery.
- Multiple body parts could be treated at once.
- After treatment, most people can resume their basic everyday routines.
- It is safe for persons of any age to have the surgery done.
- There is no harm to nerve fibres, arteries, muscles, or persistent damage to the skin.
- Damaged or destroyed fat cells are eliminated from the body permanently.
- Patients may feel better about themselves as a result of their improved appearance.
What is the average number of fat freezing therapy sessions required?
You may only need one treatment session if you have one specific area of concern. In some cases, more than one issue area may necessitate treatment, and multiple treatments may be required to obtain your desired outcome. You and the doctor can figure out together and devise a treatment plan that best suits your needs.
Why is fat freezing essential, and what are some other issues or concerns?
No one other than a licensed skin healthcare specialist should be able to execute the procedure. If you have any concerns before the process, discuss them with your surgeon.